Landlord services

The Welsh Government have introduced regulations that impact on any landlord whose property receives water or sewerage services from Welsh Water.

The regulations require landlords to ensure Welsh Water are informed of any change of tenants in their properties within 21 days. If this isn’t done, the landlord can become jointly and severally liable for the water and sewerage charges.

We need to know:

  • The property address
  • The title, full name and date of birth of all adult residents
  • The tenancy start date

Our preference is that the information is provided through landlord tap. Anybody can register to provide information and use this website. It’s easy to use and a permanent record is kept of updates which offers the landlord confidence that the information has been passed to us, as the evidence is there to see.

Alternatively you can get in touch with us and provide the information to us directly.

You can also get a copy of the Welsh Government’s guidance.

Has your tenant left your property?

If your tenant has recently moved out of your property and it is now empty, please give us a call so can discuss further on 08000520145.

Not sure about your obligation to us? Then watch the short video below

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Free media toolkit for estate agents and landlords

ZIP, 7.6MB

Welsh Water has developed some completely free content for estate agents and landlords.

Your free toolkit is packed with useful information for your new home owners or tenants; from how students should sort their water bills, how to make sure you’re charged accurately for your water, and to how to save water and money once you move in. You’ll find blogs, images, and social posts and more all packed with information that we hope you’ll find useful.

Feel free to use them on your own channels and to adapt as necessary to make sure it fits your own brand, tone of voice, and SEO requirements.