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Water Saving Week 2021

17 May 2021

‘Water Saving Week and Reducing Business Water Use’

  • This year marks another ‘Water Saving Week'
  • It runs from 17th May 2021 – 21st May 2021
  • We’re asking business customers to consider how much water they use.

At Welsh Water, we are passionate about saving water. We promote water efficiency to our customers throughout the year. To celebrate ‘Water Saving Week’ this year, we are providing business customers with advice and tools to make sure they don’t waste a drop of water!

As COVID-19 restrictions ease, we appreciate that many businesses will be getting back to something that resembles ‘normal’. As this happens, business water use is expected to rise across our operating area.

Why should I care about my water bill?

Ok, so let’s face it, water bills aren’t always on the top of the agenda. For many businesses, it’s just another bill that needs to be paid, and accept that ‘the price is the price’. We are asking businesses to get to grips with understanding their bill and realise the financial and economic benefits of reducing their water consumption.

I’m very busy – what I can do quickly to make sure I am being water efficient?

  1. Understand my bill – work out how much water I am using.
  2. By understanding your bill, it will make any identify leakage/wastage on site much easier!
  3. Arrange to have a water efficiency survey to identify areas of wastage and improvements.*

What are the benefits of me doing this?

It will help minimise usage, lower your environmental footprint and possibly lower bills for both water and electricity.

Sounds great, how can I find out more information?

Contact our team on waterdemandwales@dwrcymru.com for more information

*This is a chargeable service