Goodwill Application Guidance
Frequently Asked Questions
You will need to meet the following to be eligible for the Goodwill Application:
- You are a business customer who has directly received a precautionary boil water notice from Welsh Water on 24th November 2024.
- You must be a business permanently based at the location of the application e.g. not a mobile/visiting business including taxi services.
- Your business must be registered with the HMRC.
If you have not received a letter but believe you are eligible to apply for a Goodwill payment, please visit and follow the guidance.
Please visit and follow the guidance to complete your Goodwill Application.
Applications need to be submitted by 5pm on 17th February 2025.
Your Welsh Water Customer Reference number is displayed on the top right-hand corner of your bill. Please enter this number in full when required so we can identify your account.
Please add in an approximate date and time, we will validate this against our data.
Each non-household customer has received compensation of £500 per property following the issue of the precautionary boil notice on the 24 November. Welsh Water has agreed to make goodwill contributions of up to £2500 for each business customer towards certain costs/loss of gross profit where this exceeds the £500 already given.
Alternatively, you can request for us to cover the insurance excess up to £2,500, if you have made an insurance claim and the additional cost exceeds £500.
The costs being considered exclude professional fees (including but not limited to accountant and land agent fees). This includes fees incurred when making the application. Increases in insurance premia will also not be considered.
As there are multiple factors that can affect insurance premium, Welsh Water are not considering making a contribution to these costs.
For Loss of Gross Profit over £500, as a minimum, please provide the following information:
- Daily sales net of VAT (if vat registered) for the period 24 November 2023 – 8 December 2023 (inclusive),
- Daily sales net of VAT (if vat registered) for the period 24 November 2024 – 8 December 2024 (inclusive),
- A copy of the last set of year end accounts including a detailed profit and loss.
For Additional Costs of Operating over £500, please provide evidence of all invoices/receipts.
For Insurance Excess over £500, please provide evidence from your insurance company that an insurance claim has been paid for this period and evidence of the excess applicable.
If your business has been trading for less than 12 months, as a minimum, please provide daily sales net of VAT (if vat registered) for the period 24 November 2024 – 8 December 2024 (inclusive).
You can enter the address manually by completing the relevant fields.
There may be a field that has not been completed. When a field has been completed correctly, a tick will appear alongside. If a field has been incorrectly completed, a cross will appear alongside, please see below example. Please ensure that there are no red crosses before you proceed.
You will be required to upload relevant evidence as part of the application process. The guidance and application will advise what information you are required to upload. For each document you wish to upload, please select ‘Yes’. This will display a ‘Choose file’ button that will allow you to browse to the correct document to upload. Select the relevant document and once uploaded, the document name will be shown as per below. Once you have uploaded the required documents, please tick ‘No’ to the remaining upload file options.
The application allows a maximum of 4 documents to be uploaded with a maximum size of 15MB per document. If you need to upload more than 4 documents or are experiencing difficulties uploading documents , you can complete the remainder of the application and then email the documents to, entering your Welsh Water customer reference number as the subject. This will allow us to match your documents with your application.
We will endeavour to assess and make a decision on your application within 20 working days from receipt.
If your application relates to Loss of Gross Profit (over £500), our third-party partners will endeavour to assess your application within 20 working days from receipt of your application. These timescales may be longer depending on the value and complexity of your application as well as the speed of response from you in replying to requests. If this is the case, we will let you know.
Welsh Water may appoint third parties to assist or complete the assessment of any applications. Appointment of third parties will be made without prior notification. These costs will be met by Welsh Water. The third-party partner may contact you directly in respect of your application.
Crawford are Welsh Water’s third-party partner who may be appointed to assess your application. However, we reserve the right to appoint other third-party partners if necessary.
Once the outcome of your Goodwill Application has been provided, payment may take up to 5 working days.
Method of payment will be confirmed on your application outcome correspondence.
Welsh Water are making compensation payments of £500 to non-household customers who were issued with the precautionary boil notice, these are being sent automatically.
Goodwill payments for business customers are assessed and made via the Goodwill Application process. These payments are offered as a gesture of goodwill beyond our regulatory obligations.
Please allow 20 working days for us to process your application. If we believe it will take longer than 20 working days we will contact you to provide an update.
If you dispute the outcome of your application, please email providing the details of your dispute. Please enter your Welsh Water customer reference number as the email subject.