Why is my account in credit?

There are a few reasons why your account may be in credit.

If you don't have a meter and you are in credit

Any credit on your account is usually refunded within 14 days of the bill.

If you have a meter and you are in credit

Your account may be in credit at different points in the year, this is because you are likely to use more water at different times (using more water in the summer and less in the winter) but you pay the same direct debit payment each month. Therefore, the credit that is built up during the winter period will help offset your summer bills when more water is used. This is similar to how gas and electric companies work in billing cycles and account for the seasons.

You will be billed every 6 months and the charges from that bill will be taken from any credit you have on your account and also take in to account the direct debit payments you are making.

If your payments are too high or too low then we will review and adjust your ongoing payments, these are shown on your latest bill.

If you have a high amount of credit on your account then you may be due a bill very soon. You should wait until your bill payment has been taken before requesting any remaining credit.

If your account is closed and you are in credit

Any remaining credit on closed accounts is usually refunded within 14 days. Please note if a recent direct debit has been taken from your bank then there may be a delay.