
It is possible, in certain situations, for us to apply to make someone bankrupt in order to recover a debt. We have rarely done this. It’s an absolute last resort, which we would only ever consider in the most extreme circumstances. But, it’s important that you know what the law allows us to do.

If you wish to discuss repayment you should contact us straight away. If a Bankruptcy Petition has been presented, all of our costs associated with the bankruptcy action will be added to the overall debt value and claimed from you.

Why have I been served with a Bankruptcy Petition?

We are obliged by insolvency rules to serve you with the petition. You have either made an unacceptable payment offer to us or you have not responded to the Statutory Demand.

What if I dispute the demand?

If you wish to challenge the demand then you must do this at the court stated on the document within 18 days from the date you were served.

Why have I been served with a Statutory Demand?

We’re obliged by insolvency rules to send you the Statutory Demand before we can apply for your bankruptcy when we present a Bankruptcy Petition.

From the date the Statutory Demand is served, you have 21 days to either repay the debt, make arrangements to secure the debt or agree an instalment plan. If you fail to do this then we can petition (apply), for your bankruptcy.

Contact our debt team

Speak to an advisor

If you have any queries or concerns on paying your water bill, please speak to our friendly advisors.

0303 313 0022

8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. This is a toll-free telephone number.