Task and Finish Groups carry out research and development work on behalf of the Partnership. Topics currently include:
Lead in Drinking Water
Group Sponsor & lead
Carol Weatherley
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
The objectives of this Group are to:
- Increase the stakeholder and the public’s awareness of the potential risk of lead in drinking water from lead pipes and solder.
- Highlight the risks of the misuse of lead based solders on drinking water systems.
- Develop a consistent message about potential associated health risks and how exposure can be reduced.
- Develop a multi-agency response to managing lead failures to ensure a consistent and appropriate approach is taken.
- Generate a map for Wales and Hereford indicating the probable location of lead pipes to identify potential hotspots areas.
Private Water Supplies
Group Sponsor and lead
Diane Watkin
Powys County Council
The objectives of this group are to:
- Work with partners to develop an understanding of the impact of the Euratom Directive on Private Water supplies regulation in Wales and develop a framework to assist PWS users where radon issues are identified.
- Produce and make available to Partnership members a framework document for the management of alternative supplies in emergency and non-emergency situations.
- To work with the British Geological Survey on the knowledge exchange programme to better identify the risks that could affect the source of a private water supply.
- To liaise with Public Health Wales about their work to understand the geographical and population-specific differences in private water supply quality and the potential impact on health in Wales.
- Organise a regular programme of relevant training on private water supply issues for Welsh local authorities to ensure consistency and standard practice.
Bathing Waters
Group Sponsor and lead
Sam Naylor
City and Council of Swansea
The objectives of this group are to:
- Work with Welsh Government on the delivery of the Water Strategy for Wales, Natural Resources Policy and Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
- Explore funding arrangements for additional robust prediction and discounting systems at appropriate beaches to protect public health.
- Carry out further work at beaches to explore the possibility of achieving 'Good' status to prepare for the Directive revision and the removal of the 'Sufficient' standard.
- Use 'Acclimatize' funding and mutual aid to assist colleagues with developing management plans to avoid any failure of Bathing Water Quality.
- Deliver an improved partnership approach to the DCWW Spill warning system operating in Wales.
The Partnership responds to consultations related to water and health as and when they arise.
The aim is always to use our collective expertise constructively and also to raise our profile. New applicable consultations are filtered and highlighted to the Steering Group. Ad-hoc groups are then formed to develop and submit our responses.
Inactive Tasks and Finish Groups
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